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457 Visa Holder Tax Return...!!!!!


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Hi Friends,


I am on 457 visa with my partner. I have to take private health insurance for me and my partner. Is my private health insurance payment taxable income?


Need help please.


Any advise much appreciated.


Thank you in advance.

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This section of the forum is for Financial Advice from Vista not tax advice so you would be better posting in the 'Money and Finance' section. For a 457 visa holder I would definitely recommend an accountant well versed in both UK & Austraian tax, we used @Alan Collett


WRT PHI my understanding is it is tax deductible but most people have this rebated by the insurance company directly i.e. it is taken off your monthly payments so there is no further tax refund when you do your tax return - I would check this with your insurance provider.

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